Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Layla and Daddy spent the night with Nate, Kayla and Khloe to celebrate Valentine's Day. Kayla made chocolate chip pancakes, we opened presents and played. Layla loved watching cartoons in bed.

Mmm, Good!!

Khloe loves pancakes.


Excited girl!

Valentine dresses.

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Dog Named Murphy

Meet the newest member of the family.


Murphy wants in.

She was so proud that she covered Murphy up
with her doll blanket.

Murphy gets lot of lovin'.

Such a pretty puppy!!

Great Grandma Weedin

Great Grandma came out for lunch and for some reason Layla was in the mood to have her picture taken. She usually hates it. She sat and smiled so pretty and looked so cute in her new outfit.

Getting to be such a big girl!!

Great Grandma and Layla.

One of my favorite pictures, ever!!

I love the way she is looking at Grandma.

Great Grandma, Layla and Grandpa.

Now Daddy, too. Four Generations.


Layla watched everyone bowling and then she said, "I can do that". She was so excited. She could hardly wait for it to be her turn again.

She wanted a pink ball.

After we got home she wanted a snack. I opened the
cupboard and she picked out a Gerber
Graduate. Not cookies or candy but ravioli.

It was a fun night!!

Playing with Play-Doh

So much fun!!

Movie Night

Layla went to see "The Princess and the Frog" movie with Grandpa and Grandma while Daddy was at work. She loved the popcorn and the movie. She never made a peep the whole time. Grandpa liked it, too.

Lots of Snow!

There is so much snow in the backyard that Layla can hardly get to her swingset. Looks like it is going to be a long winter!

Sledding with Grandpa

Lots of snow on the farm, too.